Sunday, September 15, 2013

Sharing is Healing

I remember when I was growing up, my mother used to tell us not to share certain things with others.  My mom, bless her at 91 years old, was and still is a very private person.  That's just the way she is.  

I used to be the same way, and then about 30 years ago or so, I started sharing some very personal things with my best friends, and surprisingly enough, they told me that they had experienced some of the very same things which I had thought should not have been shared with others.  This opened up a whole new world for me because my friends and I discovered that sharing was healing.  If you keep things to yourself, you can actually wither away and die.  When you open up to those who you trust, you may experience healing on all levels --- mind, body and spirit.

Nowadays, I am quite verbal about sharing health information, and I believe that you should be too!  So many people are suffering in silence because of diseases/medical conditions which they may feel embarrassed about, or perhaps they may be in the same place where I used to be - thinking that sharing is taboo.

In case no one has told you before --- your health challenges are not your fault.  We live in a society of processed food, high technology such as microwave cooking, GMOs, high stress and a plethora of social issues which can result in poor health for many.  Don't be afraid to ask questions about health or to share your stories.  Sharing is healing.  Others may have information which may help you, but if you shy away from communicating, no one will know that you needed help!  If you're not ready for verbal communication, then send an email or letter.  You don't have to reveal your true name - just do what you need to do to get the information which may help you.

I offer support services regarding health issues for those who are interested.  There are many other individuals and groups who also offer support for those needing to talk about their medical conditions. It's important that you choose a group or individual whom you feel comfortable with.

 In closing, I offer you this brief meditation.  

"Sit or lay comfortably with your eyes closed. Gently and evenly begin to inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth to the count of nine.  (Example, breathe in for nine counts and breathe out for nine counts at your own pace.)  Allow yourself to relax.  Don't worry whether your new to meditation, the key is to allow yourself to relax, and as you continue breathing (this is called "circular breathing"), imagine yourself walking along the beach on a tropical island.  The sand is white and the bright sunlight is reflecting upon the crystal clear blue water of the ocean.  The wind is blowing gently and you can see the branches of palm trees waving in the distance.  

While enjoying your leisurely walk, you notice someone walking towards you from the opposite direction, and you sense that you know this person.  As they approach, you realize that this is a friend whom you had lost touch with for some time.  You greet each other with a warm smile and an embrace, and you begin walking together.  You talk about old times, and then suddenly your friend turns to you, tells you that you look wonderful and asks what is your secret.  

You're kind of taken aback, because you did not think you looked so well.  Your friend gently takes your hand and leads you to the ocean and says "look."  As you look at your reflection, you're amazed, because you are a picture of perfect health!  Your skin is glowing, your eyes are clear, you're hair is thick and shiny, you're standing erect, you have a great smile, and most of all, you realize that you are free of any physical pain.  

Your friend begs you to tell them your secret, and you realize that you have been changing for weeks and months, and much of the change was subtle, that you didn't even realize it yourself.  Your secret was that you finally began talking to people and asking for help.  You were determined to become well, and you were no longer afraid of speaking up.  In so doing, many people whom you met along the way gave you insight into healing treatments which you consented to, which brought you closer and closer to the picture of perfect health which you became.  You began to research health matters from both traditional and non-traditional disciplines, and you sought, and sought and sought until you discovered what worked for you, and you stuck with it.  

As you share your story, you can see your friend's face begin to shine like a beacon of light.   You both began talking excitedly about healing, and discover that you both had been subject to many of the same challenges.  Your friend thanks you over and over again, and pledges to follow in your footsteps and seek healing for themselves.

You both realize that the hour is late and you must part, and do so with the silent knowledge that your friend's healing is imminent.  You share your contact information and embrace once again with the promise to stay in touch.  Then you walk away from each other in opposite directions once again.

While walking, you express gratitude to the Universe for your physical health, and for the opportunity to have assisted someone else with their health.  

Continue breathing, and at your own pace, when you are ready, open your eyes and clap your hands twice to return to normal consciousness."©

You can return to this meditative place any time you want.  Remember, sharing is healing, so seek the assistance you need - you never know who has just what you've been looking for.  If you take the first step, the Universe will support you with your efforts.

With much love,